For answers to any questions about the tour, questions about Beyond ‘That’s So Gay’ professional development or advice on challenging homophobia anywhere in the country, contact Daniel.

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There are three options if you would like to contact Daniel Witthaus about all things Beyond ‘That’s So Gay’:
(a) e-mail:
(b) Facebook: Daniel Witthaus
(c) phone: 0431 157 957

N.B. As Daniel is often traveling in remote areas and potentially out of range for phone/e-mail contact, please understand he’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

This one-page list of supports might be a helpful starting point in finding information, support and assistance in your state or territory: Potential State/Territory-Based Supports

4 thoughts on “CONTACT

  1. Leonie farrell

    Hi, my name is Leonie and I am the Team leader of the Banyule city Council Youth Outreach team Link U. I was really interested in hearing about the training you did at Hobson’s bay. I would love to hear more and possibly get some info I could forward to our HR unit in order to push for whole of Council traininig. I would also love to know if you could do training for our Youth and Community partnership team and what sort of cost we would be looking at?
    Thanks heaps

  2. Amy Coleman

    Hi Daniel. I am from TimeOut Magazine Melbourne. I’m sure you’re aware that you are featured in this month’s issue – we would like to send you a copy. Could you please correspond with a mailing address if you would like us to send one to you.

    Kind Regards

  3. Chris B

    Hi Daniel, i wanted to know, with the great work you do, how you feel about the recient events in russia and how they impact what you’re trying to do.


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